Chair for Delegation for relations with the Arab Peninsula Hannah Neumann.

A leading Member of the European Parliament has praised Kuwait’s role as a mediator, as a humanitarian aid player and its assistance to neighboring countries in dealing with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

“Kuwait is playing an important role in defusing tensions and promoting dialogue and reconciliation in the Gulf region. I fully appreciate Kuwaitآ’s important humanitarian contributions as well,” said Hannah Neumann, chair for Delegation for relations with the Arab Peninsula and vice-chair of the subcommittee for human rights in the European Parliament.

In an interview with the Kuwait news agency, KUNA, she expressed appreciation for the initiative of Kuwaitآ’s ambassador to Belgium, the European Union and NATO, Jasem Al-Budaiwi, to host a working lunch in her honor with the Brussels-based ambassadors of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in his residence last Saturday.

“In times of the pandemic, we all need to find alternative ways to do our work. Upholding activities of the delegation is key for me, so I fully appreciate the initiative of Ambassador Al-Budaiwi,” said Neumann who is a German MEP belonging to the Greens party.

She noted that Saturday’s meeting gathered representatives from all countries of the GCC and Yemen “around one table for an extremely useful and constructive debate on issues of common interest. Given the persistent rivalries and conflicts in the region, that in itself is an important signal.”

On the issue of lifting the EU Schengen visa for Kuwaiti citizens, she said “I fully understand the position of Kuwait and its legitimate claim to have visa-free access to the Schengen area granted for its citizens.

“I have already discussed this issue with the European External Action Service (the EU’s foreign service) in a past delegation meeting. It is my intention to continue monitoring this important issue and to promote further in-depth exchanges of views with all parties involved, including GCC diplomats, the European Commission and representatives of the Council.

Everybody benefits from mutual exchange,” added the young MEP who was elected to the European Parliament in 2019. Neumann said that EU-GCC cooperation in the fight against the pandemic has been “extremely useful for both parties.” She said that exchange of information and good practices enabled a better understanding of the Covid-19 virus and reduced its spread.

“The EU has also granted ad hoc assistance to war-torn Yemen and to Iraq with a view to enabling these countries to better handle the emergency. Similarly, some GCC countries including Kuwait have been extremely active and generous in assisting neighbouring countries heavily affected by the pandemic,” she said.

“Medical assistance to some EU Member States in the darkest weeks of the epidemic has also been useful and extremely appreciated. In the long run, I really think we can learn from each other’s experiences and be better prepared for future crises, also when it comes to protecting democracy and human right during a pandemic,” added the MEP.

The Delegation for relations with the Arab Peninsula is responsible for maintaining and developing relations between the European Parliament and the countries of the Arab Peninsula (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen) and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

Source: KUNA

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