In her latest tirade against expatriates, outspoken lawmaker Safaa al-Hashem announced a long list of conditions under which expatriates could face deportation.

Saying that the large number of expatriates in Kuwait was a threat to the stability and security of the country, she called for all residence permits to limited to five years, and to have expatriates expelled for the following reasons:

  • Those who stay behind even after their residence permit has expired
  • Those who work for someone else other than the sponsor of their residence permit
  • Those who are engaged in a work other than that stated in the residence permit
  • Construction workers over the age of 40 or who suffer from any disability or illness
  • Teachers and workers in private schools who do not have the residence permit of the educational institution where they currently work
  • Those who hold any expired official document should also be fined KD500
  • Those who commit three traffic violations
  • Those who provide shelter to illegal residents
  • Those who have judicial rulings against them, even if they have served their sentence, or they have been pardoned.
  • Family members should also be deported along with a deportee
  • The deportee should be blacklisted and prevented from entering Kuwait again

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