The Central Administration of Statistics in a report issued on the first of January 2023 for the population of Kuwait revealed that young Kuwaitis make a majority.

Estimates showed that the total population of Kuwait is close to 4,793,568 individuals, of whom 1,517,076 are Kuwaitis or 32% of the total population, while non-Kuwaitis number 3,276,492 individuals or slightly more than 68% of the total population.

Estimates also showed that about 651,000 Kuwaiti men and women are under the age of 19, and 473.8 thousand Kuwaitis are between the ages of 20 and 39, while the total of the two age groups (males and females) for Kuwaitis from birth to 39 years is 1,124,000, i.e. 74% of the total Kuwaitis.

The figures showed that the number of Kuwaiti males and females is close, as the difference between females and males is small.

The total number of male Kuwaitis id 744,238 or 49%, and 772,838 Kuwaiti females, or 51%.

The number of Kuwaitis under the age of one year is 32,771 boys and girls.

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