A recent video showing a landslide in the Al-Ardiya industrial area has raised concerns about the safety of the area’s infrastructure. However, according to the official spokesman for the Ministry of Public Works, M. Ahmed Al-Saleh, the incident does not follow the ministry’s contracts.

Al-Saleh stated that the contractor responsible for the area broke one of the state’s services with one of the plots, which is private property. The Ministry is currently working with concerned agencies to ensure the safety of their services and to repair the damage caused by the contractor.

Al-Saleh denied any collapse of the road, and the cause of the damage to the Ministry’s services is currently being investigated. Emergency teams from the Ministry of Public Works have already been dispatched to the area to investigate the landslide and determine the reasons behind it.

Sources have reported that one of the cars fell during the landslide and that a water line leaked, resulting in water pooling. Emergency teams are currently working to address the situation.

There is also speculation that a company may have carried out drilling activities near the area, which could have contributed to the landslide. The emergency teams are investigating all possibilities to determine the exact cause of the incident.

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