The Kuwait Investment Authority, which manages the Kuwait Sovereign Fund, during February 2022 maintained its third ranking, with assets of about $737.94 billion, without any change from what it was at the end of 2021.

The Saudi Investment Fund has advanced to sixth place among the largest sovereign wealth funds in the world, after increasing its assets to 580 billion dollars, according to the latest classification of the (SWF Institute), which specializes in studying the investments of governments and sovereign funds, reports Al-Rai daily.

The fund’s assets increased by $100 billion, compared to $480 billion at the end of 2021, and this came after Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman announced, the day before yesterday, the transfer of 4 percent of Aramco’s shares to the Public Investment Fund.

The Norwegian Government Pension Fund ranked first as the largest sovereign fund in the world, with assets amounting to 1400.4 billion dollars, while the China Investment Company came in second place with assets worth 1222.31 billion dollars, and the total size of the assets of sovereign wealth funds in the world amounted to about 9.83 trillion dollars, compared to $9.53 trillion at the end of 2021.

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