In the area of employment the government sector is facing two problems — the budget for government institutions and to create job opportunities because a big percentage of government employees are young people and not expected to be sent into retirement for a long time as is the case usually when old employees resign they make way for the younger recruits.

The simplest equation to solve the unemployment problem is by absorbing the new cadres by sending into those who have reached the retirement age. However, this equation seems almost difficult, because a vast majority of government employees are young and it will take at least two decades before they are sent into retirement.

In terms of numbers, the Al-Qabas daily quoting sources say, according to official labor market statistics, 91.5% of Kuwaitis in the government sector are under the age of fifty, and 66.5% of them are under 40 years old, which it will take at least 20 years or more to send them into retirement and make way for younger cadres. The proportion of those over 50 years old is only 8.5 percent of those over 60 just 0.8 percent.

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