Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received Charge D’Affaires of the Philippines Embassy, Jose Cabrera at his office on Sunday to express heartfelt condolences for the death of Jullebee Ranara, a housekeeper who was killed by a minor.

Sheikh Salem condemned “the regrettable and despicable crime,” saying it runs counter to the humane nature of the Kuwaiti people. Renewing condolences to the Filipino government, people and the family of the victim, he affirmed that justice will be served in this case in full credibility and transparency. The minister reaffirmed Kuwait’s commitment to protect, and care for, the safety and rights of all expatriate workers on its land, including the Filipino community as per the provisions of its national laws and international norms.

He appreciated the role of the Filipino community in all sectors of the state, expressing hope that “this individual act would not affect the friendship between the peoples of Kuwait and Philippines.” On his part, the Filipino diplomat lauded the legal measures promptly adopted by the competent authorities in Kuwait, including the timely arrest of the culprit.

He said the Philippines Embassy has been in touch, since the very beginning, with the Foreign Ministry of Kuwait, which provided detailed explanations of the regrettable incident and the legal proceedings.

Jose Cabrera noted that Kuwait protects the rights of all expatriate workers and ensures their decent living according to domestic and international laws. He expressed belief that this individual incident would affect neither the friendly ties between both nations nor the status of agreements on employment of overseas Filipino workers (OFW) in Kuwait.

The deep-rooted friendship between both nations is strong enough to overcome such individual incidents, Cabrera said, voicing hope for opening up new horizons of cooperation in the trade, economic, social and development areas.

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