The Kuwait Meteorological Department said that the country has been affected by the activity of northerly winds since Sunday morning.

In the West, its speed exceeds 60 kilometers per hour, accompanied by strong flashes on some areas that raise dust, which leads to a decrease in horizontal visibility to less than 1000 meters sometimes, especially on open areas, and leads to waves rising to more than 6 feet.

In a statement to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA), the meteorological forecaster at the administration, Abdul Aziz Al-Qarawi, expected that the wind speed will calm down and the dust will gradually settle after this afternoon on the land areas, although the activity of the winds remains on the coastal areas during the night hours, which means that the waves will continue to rise during this period. Al-Qarawi added.

Tomorrow the wind is relatively active and its speed does not exceed 50 kilometers per hour, it continues until noon, with a small chance of dust raised on the open areas, and then the improvement in weather conditions begins. accompanied by an air mass Active. – KUNA

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