Al-Ujairi Scientific Center said today, Kuwait will witness an astronomical phenomenon known as (the sunset of the Al-Ahimar star) on the tenth of this month, and will last for 40 days.

The center told Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) in the absence of the “Ahimar” cold northern winds blow in and this period is called the “Ahimer strike season” and it is linked to the state of the sea and the turbulence and instability in the atmosphere.

The center explained that during the absence of this star, which is known for its red color, large size, and clarity in the sky throughout the year, the winter begins, and the movement and winds blowing varies between the cold, westerly and northerly, which is felt by those in open areas.

He stated that this star will reappear again on December 25, while the sea waves will increase in intensity, accompanied by rain during its absence.

This season is considered one of the transitional periods in which the weather changes from moderation at the beginning of the period to cold weather at the end as temperatures drop.

The center pointed out that the cold during this period is known as (autumn cold), pointing out that the difference between this season and the Sarayat season is that the first is short and less severe than the second, and this is not surprising.

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