The Secretary-General of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC), Ali Sabt Bin Sabt, announced that Kuwait will host the 108th meeting of the Organization of Ministers’ Council at the delegates’ level, which will be held today, Wednesday, with the participation of members of the organization’s executive office representing the ministers of energy and oil in member states.

This meeting will be chaired by the representative of the Syrian Arab Republic in the executive office of the organization, Eng. Khaled Matar Al-Alij, which holds the presidency of the session for the year 2022, reports a local Arabic daily.

Bin Sabt said that the meeting will discuss a range of topics related to the organization’s activity, the most important of which is the approval of the organization’s final accounts for 2021, the preparations for the 12th Arab Energy Conference to be held in the State of Qatar during the last quarter of 2023, and the events, seminars and training courses organized by the General Secretariat have participated in or will be organizing during 2022.

He added, the reports prepared during the first half of the year will be reviewed, including the quarterly reports on the global petroleum situation and on the developments of liquefied natural gas and hydrogen, and other reports.

The Secretary-General stated that the 108th meeting of the OAPEC Council of Ministers (at the level of delegates), will be preceded by the 162nd meeting of the Executive Office on the same day, with the participation of members of the Executive Office of the Organization.

He pointed out that the meeting of the Executive Office is dedicated to preparing for the meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Organization (at the level of delegates), and it will address progress in implementing the plan to activate and develop the organization’s activity, and follow up on the decision of the Council of Ministers regarding assigning the Executive Office of the Organization and in coordination with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to activate the Green Middle East Initiative and adopt applying the concept of a circular economy to carbon, and defining the scope of the OAPEC Award for Scientific Research for the year 2022.

Bin Sabt commended the continuous support OAPEC receives from member states in order to implement the plan to activate and develop the work of the organization and achieve the goals for which it was established, and for the good and interest of the member states.

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