The “Freedom and Prosperity Index” issued by the “Atlantic Council”, the prestigious American think-tank ranks Kuwait third in the Gulf and 49 globally in terms of prosperity.

The index classified Kuwait as ‘mostly prosperous’. With 60.2 points it trails the UAE (34 globally) and Qatar (43 globally).

As for the freedom index, Kuwait ranked second in the Gulf after it ranked 125 globally, where the “Atlantic Council” index classified Kuwait as “mostly not free” and collected 43.3 points.

The Freedom and New Prosperity Index monitors the economic, political and legal freedom of every country in the world.

The Prosperity Index also measures the economic well-being and human prosperity of the world’s countries over the same period.

Switzerland, Norway, Luxembourg, Iceland, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany were at the forefront of the world’s prosperity. In the freedom index, Finland came in the lead, followed by Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Iceland, Luxembourg, Sweden, New Zealand, Ireland, and then Germany.

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