According to the British daily, The Guardian, Kuwait which ranks second in the world in water stress, consumed 38 times the share of its available freshwater in the year 2019, compared to Saudi Arabia which withdrew 10 times the amount available to it in the same year.

This comes in the context of a report prepared by a group of experts during the United Nations water summit. The report showed that the global demand for freshwater will exceed its supply by 40% by the year 2030. The report urges for the reformation of wastewater practices around the world, noting that the world today faces an imminent water crisis.

The report on the economics of water states that governments must urgently stop subsidizing over-extraction and overuse of water through false agricultural subsidies, and direct industries in all sectors to reform their practices with regard to water waste.

The lead author of the report, Johan Rockström, who is also the director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and co-chair of the Global Committee for Water Economics told The Guardian that the world’s neglect of water resources has led to a catastrophe.

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