The General Communications Authority has taken a significant step by completely canceling a contentious tender for Internet censorship. This decision comes in the wake of a considerable public and parliamentary uproar, with many expressing concerns that the tender would pave the way for the monitoring and surveillance of Internet users, a move deemed as a violation of individuals’ constitutional freedoms, reported Al-Jarida Daily.

The controversy surrounding the tender prompted the government to temporarily suspend it about a week ago. Subsequently, authorities tasked with overseeing the Communications Authority were directed to review all procedures to ensure they respect the privacy and freedoms of the country’s citizens.

The tender, titled “Developing the Kuwait International Gateway,” initially aimed to bolster the capacity of data transit ports on the Internet and enhance the nation’s information gateway to counter potential cybersecurity threats. However, the document also contained provisions for imposing Internet censorship in Kuwait, granting the government the capability to oversee services provided through social media applications on various devices, including mobile phones, computers, and iPads.

Dr. Jinan Bushahri, a Member of Parliament, was among the first to expose the controversial aspects of the tender. She argued that it would infringe upon citizens’ privacy and enable unwarranted spying, in direct violation of the country’s constitution. She voiced her concerns about the tender, urging Minister of State for Communications Affairs Fahd Al-Shoula and the Communications Authority to reconsider their stance.

Bushahri emphasized that many of the requirements outlined in the tender were typically associated with governments that curtail democracy and individual freedoms, noting that the move to cancel the tender is a significant victory for the protection of these fundamental principles. The decision underscores the importance of safeguarding the privacy and online freedom of Kuwait’s citizens.

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