The representative of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, may God protect and preserve him, His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Meshaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, may God protect him, opened today morning the second regular session of the seventeenth legislative term of the National Assembly.

His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Meshaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, In the speech said the State of Kuwait supports all efforts aimed at reaching a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue in accordance with international legitimacy and affirmed the State of Kuwait’s firm position towards the Palestinian issue, “demanding a ceasefire and allowing the entry of humanitarian and relief aid.”

The Crown Prince said respect for international agreements, laws and norms, expressing surprise at the allegation recently issued by the Iraqi Federal Supreme Court regarding the unconstitutionality of the Khor Abdullah Agreement regarding the regulation of maritime navigation between Kuwait and Iraq, signed in 2012.

His Highness the Crown Prince stressed that the Iraqi Federal Court ruling violates all international agreements, laws and charters.

His Highness stressed the necessity of improving parliamentary practice, not adopting minor issues and matters that do not concern citizens, and staying away from demands that are put forward in the name of citizens.

His Highness stressed the necessity of controlling the political scene so that “you can have a clear and frank opinion on all issues, stressing that some parliamentary demands are aimed at achieving personal gains and are merely demands to clear blame.”

His Highness explained that the government’s performance has still not achieved or touched upon the aspirations of citizens, stressing the need to follow wisdom and stay away from everything that harms the interests of the nation and citizens that stirs tensions and disagreements.

He addressed members of the two authorities that the continuation of the political scene as it was in the past will not be in the interest of the nation and citizens. He called for the necessity of opening a new page based on cooperation and consultation, and that the session that we are opening today be the role of realizing ambitions, completing projects, putting action ahead of words, and that everyone understands the requirements of the next stage.

Speaker of the National Assembly, Ahmed Al-Saadoun, expressed in his speech said he hopes that the forthcoming sessions will achieve the country’s interest, stressing, “No matter how different opinions are, the nation’s interest prevails over everything else.”

Al-Saadoun added that what was raised in the Khor Abdullah agreement calls us to recall the speech of His Highness the Amir’s representative at the recent ASEAN and Gulf Cooperation Council summit in Riyadh, which stressed “the need for the Iraqi government to take urgent decisive measures regarding navigation in Khor Abdullah.”

Al-Saadoun stressed that what the Zionist entity is doing in its aggression against Gaza and its push to displace the people of the Strip and bomb hospitals and places of worship can only be described as genocide.

The Prime Minister, His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, affirmed at this stage, which is dominated by the initiative to achieve achievements in the service of the nation and citizens, require continued constructive cooperation.

He added that the government began, during the parliamentary recess, to hold meetings with the Coordination Committee to prepare axes and priorities related to the government’s work and to strengthen the bonds of cooperation.

He stressed that Kuwait is determined to continue its path of development and redraw the state’s role in economic activity to transform into a productive economy.

He pointed out that the government’s concerns are many, and some of them were included in its work program and relate to issues that concern citizens and achieve stability for them, within the goals of the state’s structural plan, pointing out that the government is studying the land file and making the necessary decisions that contribute to reducing the monopoly of vacant lands.

The Prime Minister added, “If reforming the economic and financial path is necessary in the next stage, then human investment is a continuation of it. The government confirms its full commitment to providing job opportunities for Kuwaiti youth in a way that is consistent with the country’s development ambitions, which places creative human capital among its most important priorities.”

He went on to say, “Today we are facing a new reality characterized by changes, fraught with risks, and full of opportunities that requires careful reading, new thinking, and a different approach capable of keeping pace with these developments,” noting that the regional and international reality is witnessing rapid changes that may affect the interests of countries.

He noted that Kuwait is following with great concern the developments of the escalation in Gaza, including a blatant and horrific aggression against civilians, amid the deafening silence of the Security Council and in light of an international community dealing with double standards, stressing the importance of the international community, especially the Security Council, fulfilling its responsibilities in order to immediately stop the violations committed by the occupation authorities and quickly provide protection for civilians.

He stated that Kuwait, as it aspires to build and strengthen good-neighborly relations, “we reaffirm Kuwait’s statement before the United Nations General Assembly that we will not accept the distortion of Kuwait’s sovereignty and history with the issuance of a ruling from the Supreme Court of Iraq regarding Khor Abdullah, and Kuwait stresses the importance of compliance with Security Council resolutions.”

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