The Kuwait Petroleum Corporation Board of Directors has accelerated the pace of work related to the organization, management and completion of matters related to strategic projects, which constitutes an unprecedented interaction with the requirements of the stage.
After many years and the loss of many experts in business, the sources said the KPC took several vital decisions, most notably the exclusion of a group of workers in the oil sector from the condition of 35 years for retirement and 32 for promotion, including about 100 Kuwaitis who were sent on scholarships within the Kuwait Oil Tanker Company program, considering it is the only scholarship system in the oil sector, whose graduates are promised employment onboard the Kuwaiti tanker fleet according to their ranks in marine navigation or marine engineering.
Regarding the possibility of excluding other categories, the sources pointed out that if the conditions for exclusion are met for any other category, the possibility of excluding it will be discussed and reviewed in accordance with the controls, regulations and conditions.
The sources said that the KPC will disburse the cash allowance for vacations during this December, based on coordination with the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Oil, Chairman of the KPC Board of Directors, Dr. Badr Al-Mulla, and the KPC CEO, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, Sheikh Nawaf Saud Al-Sabah.