The Kuwait Oil Company intends to float two tenders for the installation of a high-pressure water injection system in assembly centers No 29 and 30, saying this is one of the important projects within the assembly centers to raise the production and increase the life span of reservoirs.

Al-Anba has learned from senior oil sources that the gathering centers No 29 and 30 operate with a capacity of 100,000 barrels of oil per day and 60 million cubic feet of gas per day per facility.

The sources indicated the seawater and water coming from the collection centers in reservoir injection operations are being used to ensure best results are obtained from water injection, as the daily required rate in each injection well is calculated on a quarterly basis and the requirements of future fields are constantly increasing to contribute to reaching the strategic goal.

The North Fields are among the most important fields that will contribute to achieving the strategic goals of the Kuwait Oil Company in the area of oil production in the next few years, since there are many requirements to continue managing and injecting water associated with production, in order to enhance the capacity of oil reservoirs.

The Kuwait Oil Company has succeeded in operating a project to inject water coming from the assembly centers with an operational capacity of 500,000 barrels per day, and the company is working on a similar project with the same capacity in the fields of northern Kuwait to ensure compliance with international standards for water quality.

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