Official figures revealed that the total government revenues collected by the state from fines, penalties, and confiscations during the past year 2020-2021 amounted to KD 121.279 million, Al-Rai daily reported.

The state’s revenues from penal fines amounted to KD 20.285 million, while traffic violations amounted to KD 61.63 million, and the value of penalties on employees amounted to about KD 1.56 million, while revenues from fines amounted to about KD 37.79 million.

In a related context, the value of real estate assets of government departments and agencies decreased by KD 632.917 million.

The total value of real estate assets of government departments and agencies amounted to about KD 16.458 billion, compared to KD 17.091 billion in 2019-2020.

Despite the increase in the value of government lands by about KD 301.933 million to reach KD 10.831 billion in 2020-2021 compared to KD 10.53 billion in the previous year, the value of government buildings decreased by about one billion dinars, specifically by a value of KD 934.85 million, to reach in 2020-2021 about KD 5.626 billion, compared to 6.56 billion in 2019-2020.

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