Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister, paid an official visit to the State of Kuwait on Friday. The visit stems from the deep-rooted historical ties between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia and their peoples, and in enhancement of the bilateral relations as well as upon the directives of Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, according to a joint statement released tonight.

His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received Prince Mohammad bin Salman, in the presence of His Highness the Crown Prince of Kuwait Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.

The Saudi Crown Prince conveyed to His Highness the Amir the greetings and appreciation of Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz, the statement noted. King Salman also wished permanent good health to His Highness the Amir, and further prosperity and progress to Kuwait.

His Highness the Amir, meanwhile, told Prince Mohammad to convey his greetings to King Salman, wishing him everlasting good heath, and further progress and prosperity to Saudi people. Official talks were held between His Highness Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.

During the talks, they reviewed the deep-rooted bilateral relations, and horizons of bilateral cooperation and means of developing it on all fields.The two senior officials lauded cooperation and coordination in the commercial, economic, military, security and political fields in a manner that achieves security, stability and prosperity of the two countries.

They also commended the establishment of the Saudi-Kuwaiti coordination council that comes upon the desire of the two countries’ leaderships. It aims to upgrade cooperation in all fields to the level that reflect the deep-rooted historical sisterly relations.

The two sides stressed the necessity of work on making the required shift in cooperation fields specified in the council in a way that enhances these fields and upgrades relations to the horizons of strategic partnership. In addition, the two senior officials emphasized their determination to enhance and develop cooperation and coordination in the defense and military fields between the two countries.

They further extolled current cooperation and security coordination between the two countries. They voiced their desire to continue enhancing it in order to achieve security and stability of the two brotherly countries, according to the statement. Both sides commended the deep-rooted cooperation in energy and the efforts of the OPEC+ group to stabilize the global oil market.

They affirmed the importance of continuing this cooperation and the necessity of abidance of all countries by the OPEC+ deal, according to the statement. They noted that there is ongoing coordination between the working companies in the divided and submerged areas adjacent to it with regard to implementing the terms of the memo and that work is continuing to raise the output in both the joint Khafji and the Wafra operations.

The two sides agreed on boosting means of cooperation on international climate policies, implementing the Green Middle East Initiative launched by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and the concept of a circular carbon economy to contribute to addressing carbon emissions in an economically sustainable manner as well as energy, energy efficiency and renewable energy They focused on technologies and projects for contribution to the sustainability of energy supplies globally, and the importance of boosting cooperation to increase the two countries’ benefit from electrical interconnection and commercial exchange of electrical energy, and maximize the use of local content of energy sector projects.

They stressed their determination on bolstering investment, commercial and economic cooperation in the public and private sectors, and carry outing joint economic projects between the two countries as well as raising trade exchange to meet aspirations of the two peoples. The two sides agreed on enhancing bilateral cooperation to encourage direct investment in both countries in line with the activation of the memo signed between them, and on boosting investment exchange opportunities as well as unifying efforts to remove obstacles and provide chances to their investors.

They affirmed the significance of boosting collaboration in finance, sharing expertise and getting the best practices to carry out economic reforms and diversify income sources. They stressed strengthening cooperation in various fields like health, tourism, food security and human development, mainly youth and women’s empowerment sectors, in addition to digital transformation and cybersecurity.

They affirmed the contents of Al-Ula Statement issued on January 5, 2021, that calls for the full implementation of the vision of King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud approved by the GCC supreme council. This comes in line with a certain timeframe and completion of the economic system potentials, and the joint security and defense systems.

This also aims to crystalize a unified foreign policy in a manner that ensures the GCC states’ solidarity and stability, and enhances their regional role through unifying political positions, developing political partnerships with the international community, and regional and international organizations.

They reviewed the international and regional developments, and affirmed coordination of their stances in a way that serves their interests and enhances security and stability in the region and the world. The two sides reiterated their full support to all legitimate rights of Palestinian people topped with establishing the independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, in line with the Arab peace initiative, the two-state solution and the relevant international legitimacy’s resolutions in a manner that meets aspirations of the brotherly Palestinian people. On Yemen, the two sides underlined their identical views on continuing efforts to find a comprehensive political solution to the Yemeni crisis based on the Gulf initiative and its executive mechanism, the outcomes of the national dialogue, the UN Security Council Resolution 2216 and the Saudi initiative so as to end the calamity.

They voiced their support to efforts of UN Secretary General’s Envoy for Yemen and endeavors made to lift humanitarian sufferings of Yemeni people. They condemned Houthi militias’ targeting of the airports, residential areas and vital facilities in Saudi Arabia, and their threats to international waterways.

They urged the UN Security Council to assume its role to halt the Houthi attacks that violate international humanitarian law, and affect international peace and security. The two senior officials stressed the necessity of making comprehensive reforms in Lebanon to help it overcome its crisis and confine arms to the legitimate state’s hands, in line with the UN Security Council Resolution 1559 and 1701.

They affirmed the necessity of not making Lebanon a heaven of any terrorist acts or any groups that target the region’s stability and security, the statement noted.
On Iraq, they voiced their full backing to the country’s stability and security, welcoming the successful elections and hoping for forming an Iraqi government to combat terrorism, halt foreign interference and develop the country. On Sudan, they welcomed the understandings reached amongst the Sudanese parties and stressed continued support so as to achieve stability and security in that Arab country.

They affirmed the importance cooperation and dealing effectively with the nuclear and rocket file of Iran with all its repercussions and components. They stressed their joint stance on this, calling for commitment to the UN Security Council Resolution 2231. In this regard, they called for taking into consideration the interests of the region’s countries, and its security and stability.

They further stressed that a political solution is the only way to the Syrian crisis, voicing support for the efforts of the United Nations and its Special Envoy to implement the relevant international resolutions, topped with Security Council Resolution 2254 and the Geneva 1 statement, and halt regional interventions and projects that threaten the unity, sovereignty and identity of Syria. Concerning Afghanistan, the two sides stressed the need to back security and stability in Afghanistan and prevent any presence of safe havens for terrorists and extremists on the country.

They condemned any acts aimed at recruiting Afghan refugees in the various conflict areas, expressing the importance of backing relief efforts and humanitarian action in Afghanistan. The Kuwaiti side appreciated Saudi Arabia’s call for an extraordinary ministerial meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation member states to discuss the situation in Afghanistan. The meeting is due in Pakistan on December 19, 2021. On Libya, they welcomed the UN and Libya’s efforts made to back political gains agreed upon to enable Libyans to meet their aspirations in terms of the unity, stability, peace and prosperity, in implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 2750.

At the end of the visit, Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman thanked deeply His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Mishal Al- Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah for the good reception and hospitality. Meanwhile, His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah wished everlasting good health to his Saudi counterpart, and further progress and prosperity to Saudi people. – KUNA

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