The Japanese Space Agency announced that it intends to launch, on August 26, the “SLIM” probe to study the topography of the moon, in cooperation with the Japanese company, “Mitsubishi Heavy Industries”.

The probe will be launched to the moon by a Japanese-made “H2A” missile, according to the Japanese “Kyodo” agency, which said that the height of the probe, which is dedicated to studying the topography of the moon and its craters, is 2.4 meters, and its weight is 200 kilograms, reports Al-Rai daily.

The agency added that the probe will adopt technologies used in facial recognition systems. SLIM was equipped with a special camera that allows measuring the amount of iron and other minerals contained in lunar rocks.

It is expected that the information obtained will be used in the framework of the US lunar program “Artemis”.

It is noteworthy that he was first planning to launch the probe last May, but the failure of the launch of the heavy Japanese space rocket “H3” forced the Japanese to postpone the launch date of the lunar probe.

If the mission succeeds, Japan will become the fourth country, after the Soviet Union, the United States and China, to land its probe on the moon.

It is worth noting that the private Japanese company, “Ispace”, launched the “Hakuto-R” lunar probe last April, but it crashed and lost contact with it when it landed on the moon.

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