The Public Relations Department of the Kuwait Municipality announced that the Public Cleanliness and Road Works Department in the Jahra Municipality branch is removing everything that obstructs the road and distorts the public view which comes within a framework to improve the level of cleanliness.

In this context, Al-Rai quoting, the Director of the Department of Public Cleanliness and Road Works in Jahra Governorate, Fahad Al-Qarifa, confirmed that the inspection tours aim to raise the level of hygiene in all areas of the governorate. He added, 12 vehicles that were left in open areas have been lifted by the Municipality.

He added, the supervisors periodically follow up the cleaning work in all areas by removing everything that obstructs the road and distorts the general view. He stressed that the supervisory team will not be lenient in taking legal measures against violators of the public cleanliness and road works regulations.

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