The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day (IWD) on 8 March is: DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality. As a woman in technology who creates business value between continents on the intersection of business and technology, fostering inclusivity and sustaining equality for the greater common good, it gives me a great honor that this interconnected sector that I am passionate about, has been the chosen theme for this year’s International Women’s Day.

According to a latest study published by PWC only 5 percent of leadership positions in the technology sector are held by women. According to another study by CitiBank closing the gender gap could boost global GDP by US$2 trillion. We know there is a direct inter-connection between inclusion and boosting the GDP through innovation, but there are still many barriers that attempt, and in certain experiences hold, women globally back from allowing them to compete effectively applying their hard-earned qualifications and knowledge, being included and thriving.

A level-playing field is good for everyone. Women are not a quota to be filled in, women are half of the population and we require 100 percent of the collaboration of our male counterparts in order to mutually succeed, for greater common good. World Economic Forum research shows that companies with above-average diversity scores drive 45 percent average revenue from innovation, as we venture into uncertain times where we are observing fragmentations, we need innovation from the whole world.

As I reflect on last year’s IWD theme #breakthebias: we, unfortunately, did not break the bias yet. Women all over the world still experience bias, retaliation against them and harassment whether verbal or physical. Sometimes, simply for standing up for what’s: fair, ethical and just. The world needs our uniqueness, not our similarities. Let us all collectively acknowledge the power of all of us coming together as one to act for change.

Women should take risks because every experience prepares us for where we are meant to be. Be fearless. Never allow anything or anyone to hamper and or attempt to limit your own education, growth and abilities. Seek diverse perspectives and broaden the pipeline of your experiences to shape who you want to be, as industries are becoming interconnected, have an always learning mindset to foster resilience and future-ready skills. Everything is possible if you work for it, set your mind to achieve it and execute it.

Mercedes Vazquez
GM, ESK Holding. Chair, Banking and Finance at AmCham Kuwait

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