The Ministry of Awqaf said the Ministry of Interior has opened the Salmi border point for residents to travel to and from Kuwait to perform the Umrah rite – fruit of joint efforts between the Ministry and the relevant state authorities.

The Ministry of Awqaf will make the necessary arrangements regarding resumption of land trips in accordance with the established health requirements.

In a letter issued by the Director of Hajj and Umrah Affairs, Sattam Al-Muzayen to the Umrah trips organization offices and the travel and tourism offices (which are licensed to engage in the activity of Umrah and issue visas), with reference to the above subject, and to the decisions of the Council of Ministers regulating health requirements under Covid-19, in reference to a letter from Ministry of Interior No. (358) on the same subject, and without prejudice to the decisions and recommendations of the Council of Ministers, health authorities, the competent authorities in the sisterly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the circulars issued regarding the organization of Umrah trips, the following was decided:

1 – Allow residents to travel back and forth by land through authorized outlets to perform Umrah

2 – Adherence to the fact that the number of Umrah passengers does not exceed 50 percent of the capacity, while adhering to the spacing between seats.

3 – Commitment to sterilizing the seats before the pilgrims board the Umrah convoys, wearing a mask during the course of the travel, while not allowing those who show symptoms of Covid-19 and its variants to ride.

4 – The mechanism for approving the lists of pilgrims by sending a copy of the statement with the attachment of a copy of the contract and visa for each pilgrim. The statements are to be sent through the administration’s WhatsApp program.

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