The Kuwait Insurance Company has initiated the process of re-enrolling insurance contributions for approximately 700 employees operating within the Experts Department. This encompasses around 550 individuals whose appointments were annulled by the Court of Cassation in late 2019.

These sources have indicated that nearly 3 years of service for the experts, which were previously excluded from the insurance records of these employees, will now be recalculated following the court’s verdict, well-informed insiders sources told Al-Rai daily.

The relevant department within the “insurance” organization has already begun implementing the necessary actions for re-registration, and it is expected to be completed in the near future.

The scenario revolves around the execution of the Court of Cassation’s decision to terminate the employment of 550 employees after they had served for approximately 3 years in the Experts Department. Subsequently, they were reinstated following due procedures.

However, upon their reinstatement, it was noted that their practical and actual service duration had not been accounted for.

This omission has implications for around 40,000 reports that formed the basis of judicial verdicts from 2017 to 2020.

The sources highlighted that the “insurance” entity had initially resisted recalculating the three-year period for these employees.

However, a series of recent meetings between institution officials, led by Acting General Manager Ahmed Al-Thunayan, and Justice Minister Faleh Al-Raqaba has led to an agreement to reinstate the contributions of the reappointed employees.

This adjustment will also extend to around 200 additional individuals impacted by the verdict, encompassing a comprehensive review and reenrollment process.

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