The Indonesian Diaspora Forum in Kuwait (FDIK) in collaboration with the Nurse association in Kuwait (DPLN PPNI Kuwait) with supported by the Indonesian Embassy in Kuwait held a seminar entitled Q&A about Covid-19 on Friday, August 6. This event was attended by more than 200 participants.

On this occasion, the first speaker, namely Dr. Amrizal M. Nur, brought presentation with the topic of “Delta Variant and the Effectiveness of the Covid-19 Vaccine”. In his explanation Dr. Amrizal explained the various types of the Covid-19 Virus Variant that have spread around the world, where the Delta variant is a variant that spreads very quickly and often results in a significant spike in cases in some countries. However, by carrying out the vaccination process, the spread of this delta variant virus will be limited even though in fact there has been a decrease in the effectiveness of the vaccine against this type of Covid virus variant.

The second Speaker, Fernando La Eba, chairman of the Indoneisa Kuwait Covid 19 Task Force, explained how the procedures for Covid-19 patients in Kuwait. He also explained the steps or procedures that must be carried out when someone is infected by the corona virus in Kuwait. including doing PCR, then activating the Shlonik program and then having to visit a health centre that will be informed by MoH via a registered personal phone number.

This seminar event received a great response and enthusiasm from the participants, a lot of basic questions about Covid-19 were conveyed by the participants. The most frequently asked questions were about vaccination in Kuwait, such as how the treatment for the new covid variant is, and also the current trend changes where many young people are also become the victims of the delta variant as well as questions about the current problem faced by Indonesian that stranded in Indonesia. Due to problem on approval of their vaccine certificates.

Since this pandemic occurred, there have been a lot of problems arise in everywhere, not only casualties but also many Indonesian citizens in Kuwait who cannot travel back to Kuwait due to the effects of the pandemic which required very strict regulation on travel between countries. 

Since its establishment, the Kuwait Covid-19 Task Force supported by the Indonesian Embassy in Kuwait, working very hard to carry out campaigns to avoid the threat of Covid, identifying and registering Indonesian citizens who infected by Covid-19, ensuring that Indonesian citizens in Kuwait who are infected by Covid-19 receive clear direction and appropriate clinical assistance. For those who are experiencing self-isolation, the Task Force also ensures that they get enough daily needs.

Currently, there are 298 Indonesian citizens in Kuwait who have been infected by Covid-19. 171 of them were front liners nurses at various hospitals in Kuwait and 12 Indonesian citizens in Kuwait died due to infection with the Covid-19 virus. The cooperation of every Indonesian citizen in Kuwait is also a factor in the success of Indonesian citizens in Kuwait facing the pandemic in Kuwait.

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