The Embassy of India organized a State Facilitation Event for Goa on 26th October focusing on the tourism and investment opportunities available at the Embassy premises.

First Secretary Dr. Vinod Gaikwad inaugurated the event and extended his gratitude to everyone on behalf of the Ambassador of India H.E Sibi George. He added that Goa is one of the widely popular tourist destinations of India. Goa is known for its exotic beaches, thrilling night life, mouth savory delicacies and much more, righteously earned its place as the perfect blend of traditional and modern culture.

However, the renowned tourist destination is not only famous for its scenic expanse and cashews, but also for notably making its way in upcoming knowledge-based industries like IT, BT, Pharmaceuticals, etc.

He requested Kuwaitis to visit this incredible destination to experience the warm hospitality of Goa and also to relax in the soothing embrace of nature.

A detailed virtual presentation was shown by Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Goa Investment and Promotion Board and Goa Tourism Development Corporation.

The presentation covered the main objective about the potential of trade between India and Kuwait, explaining the opportunities for investment in Goa with the goal to fulfill their mission “Invest Goa 2022”.

Followed by another presentation by Goa Investment Promotion and Facilitation Board, giving a brief on background on the strengths of the state along with its Industrial Growth and Investment Promotion Policy, and reforms made by the state government with an overview of the incentives like Investment Promotion and Single Window Clearance Act.

The presentation by Goa Tourism Development Corporation LTD. focused on the vibrant tourism industry in Goa, the competitive advantages enjoyed by Goa, the upcoming infrastructure projects and promotion to gallantly showcase the heritage and culture of Goa.

It also highlighted the tourism master plan focusing on eco resort, entertainment village, skill development academy, spiritual center and new tourism services.

The event featured a video presentation running through the many facets of tourism in the State of Goa, inclusive of the rich cultural heritage with the rendition of Goan music and dances.

The event received an enthusiastic response from the business community in Kuwait and from other Associations.

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