Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) in collaboration with Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) will be holding a Global Essay writing Competition titled ‘India and the World after COVID-19’.  Indian Nationals, PIO and OCIs (Age 21 and above) are requested to send their entries about the COVID-19 pandemic and how the world has changed and where India fits in and what could be the role of India in shaping the post COVID world order and what should be India’s priorities.

The last date for submission of entries is 15th July, 2020. Further details are available on the FICCI website.  The competition is also in the run-up to the FICCI’s participation in World Expo-Dubai later this year.


  • A three-day, all-expenses-paid trip to India Pavilion and the World Expo in Dubai.
  • Gala reception at the India Pavilion to felicitate the winners
  • A panel discussion with the winners moderated by a media personality. The reception will take place at India pavilion during Expo.
  • Summarise your ideas in a 3000-word essay written in English language.
  • Submit your entries to kv.vidya@ficci.com by lOth July 2020.
  • The emails should be titled ‘Entry to India and the World after -COVID-19.

Terms & Condition

Covid-19 has definitely changed our world forever. But where is the new world headed?
How has Covid – 19 changed the way we live and work? What will be India’s place in the emerging post-pandemic World? How can India make itself stronger and script a bigger role to play in the International Community?

  • The essays submitted should strictly conform to all guidelines.
  • Visuals/ words which are erroneous and misleading, and which may provoke communal, obscurantist, anti-scientific and anti-national attitudes will make the entry liable to be disqualified.
  • An Applicant will be disqualified from the competition if it is found that he/ she is trying to influence any member of the jury by way of writing letters, sending emails, making telephone calls, approaching in person or any other similar activity in this regard.
  •  Any applicant found to give a false declaration of age is bound to be disqualified.
  • The decisions of the Jury shall be final and binding on all participants. The Jury may seek
    clarifications on any aspect (including age) of an entry from the participant, and if the
    same is not furnished within the given time, the entry could be disqualified.
  • Relatives of employees working in ICCR and FICCI will not be considered for the prize.
  • Essays submitted by the contestant will be deemed confidential and only used for competition or any other promotional purposes by FICCI. Applicants may understand that their consent for use of their essays by FICCI/ICCR for any promotional activities in the future, is inherent and included in their act of submission of their entries to this competition.
  • Any legal disputes arising out of the competition will be settled in courts of Delhi.
  • While furnishing information related to shortlisted entries as sought for by FICCI, the applicant should ensure that complete postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, mobile phone number and fax number (if any) are duly provided.
  • Participants submitting essays for the competition are solely responsible for copyright regulations, if any. Their undertaking that the essays don’t infringe on any copyrights or intellectual property rights is inherent and included in their act of submission of their entries to this competition.
  • Participant is required to submit Passport Size photograph.
  • Appreciation Certificate will be provided to all the participants

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