My Dear Fellow Citizens,

You are kindly aware that we all have been going through very difficult times, not just in Kuwait but back home in India and across the globe, due to COVID-I9 pandemic. While these are stressful and testing times for all of us, we are fortunate to be residing in a friendly country like Kuwait, whose measures and efforts to contain the virus have been commendable and are consistent with WHO standards.

Taking this opportunity, I must convey, on behalf of the entire Indian Community living in Kuwait, our deepest gratitude and appreciation to the leadership, the government and the people of Kuwait. I also convey our solidarity with the efforts Kuwait has been making.

2. As you would appreciate, this is not just an issue for a government, but for all the people, whether it is Kuwaiti or expatriate, to show high sense of public responsibility and self-discipline, and extend our fullest support to the Government of Kuwait in fighting the virus. In this context, I appeal to all of you, my fellow countrymen and women, to respect and abide by all the relevant health, social and other regulations being put in place by the Kuwait Government, so that we stand together in winning the battle against the virus.

The Indian Embassy in Kuwait continues to be at your service, remains open as before, extending various services, but in compliance with the local regulations concerning COVID-19. Since crowding at the Embassy needs to be avoided/regulated, please postpone your non-essential visits to the Embassy. Depend more on telephonic and email inquiries wherever physical visits to the Embassy can be avoided. Please keep visiting the Embassy’s website ( and other social media accounts (Twitter:@indembkwt, Facebook: @indlanembassykuwait) regularly for various updates and advisories relating to COVID-19.

May I also take the liberty of requesting all of you to discuss within your own social circles and among family members so as to ensure social distancing, which seems to be the most effective way of defeating the virus, V addition, of course, to maintaining high sense of personal hygiene and observing frequent hand-washing and sanitizing.

Your health and safety are of Embassy’s utmost concern, and I convey my Best Wishes to all of you and your families, both here and back home in India or elsewhere, during these troubled times. May I also reassure you that the Embassy is in close and regular contact with both the Kuwaiti as well as Indian authorities dealing with COVID-19. Please direct all COVID- 1 9 related queries to the email address.:

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy; no need to panic

Best Wishes and Warm Greetings,

Yours sincerely,


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