Around 50 fatalities from coronavirus infection in the span of just the last seven days, is a rising concern among health authorities in the country and increasing anxiety among the general public. With more than 5,000 people testing positive for the virus last week the total number of infections have gone to 120,927 and the death toll increased to 744.

Although the Ministry of Health has said that the recovery rate in the country at over 92 percent is high relative to many other countries in the world, this assurance has not been enough to pacify public fears and worries about a second wave of the virus proving more lethal.

The daily figures by the health ministry have also not encouraged businesses to invest or restart their businesses in full swing for fear of a second lockdown. Especially since most businesses are only beginning to emerge from the economic devastations caused by the previous prolonged lockdown and curfew, that led to hundreds of thousands losing their jobs and many small businesses having to shut down.

Health authorities and decision-makers have said they are reviewing new measures to contain and curb the outbreak. With the nation on the cusp of a potential surge in cases and with the winter flu season on the horizon, the government has decided to implement a slew of measures aimed at containing the spread of the virus.

Recently, the Council of Ministers approved an amendment for imposing immediate and severe fines on violators of health regulations. Earlier this month the authorities had warned residents and citizens in the country to refrain from gatherings, and made it mandatory to wear face masks when venturing out of home.

The Ministry of Interior has stated that through its follow-up to prevent the holding of gatherings in all parts of the country, it has dealt legally with people conducting weddings or public gatherings in contravention of the decision by the health authorities. The people responsible for these violations were summoned to the ministry and appropriate legal measures were initiated against them.

The government has also warned of the coronavirus situation worsening ahead of winter and the potential for a second wave of the virus infecting the country. The authorities reiterated their call to citizens and expatriates to strictly adhere to the precautionary and preventive rules and guidelines provided by the health ministry, and urged them to be aware of the seriousness of the situation and take extra care during the winter months, especially maintaining social distancing, avoiding crowded areas, wearing facemasks, and practicing proper sanitary measures.

The world is in the midst of a pandemic and any hopes of an early and speedy recovery have been dashed with a second wave of the virus now afflicting many countries. According to data from Johns Hopkins University, the global death toll has crossed 1,150,000 and infections hover over 42.5 million. For its part the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that these figures on deaths and infections are on the lower side and that the actual numbers are likely to be much higher.

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