Diplomatic sources said that the news report circulating in the social media that Egypt has imposed entry fee on Kuwaitis alone is incorrect.

A local Arabic daily quoting the Egyptian authorities said it is not true that the fees are imposed on Kuwaitis alone, saying the decision was issued more than a year ago and was applied to citizens of all Arab countries without discrimination or specifying a particular nationality, which is a common practice, reports a local Arabic daily.

The sources pointed out that there are many countries, especially Western, that impose fees many times more than Egypt, which imposes a simple fee that does not exceed approximately 7.5 dinars which was imposed by more than a year ago on various countries.

The sources indicated that the Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Kuwaiti Embassy in Cairo had previously published an official statement on March 18, 2021, in which it stated, “The Kuwaiti Embassy in Cairo would like to inform all Kuwaiti citizens wishing to travel to the sisterly Arab Republic of Egypt that the Egyptian authorities have imposed entry visa fees on all citizens of Arab countries in the amount of (25 US dollars).

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