The government administrative apparatus employees have been assured of the imminent end of the decision to “stop appointment in senior and supervisory positions, and to stop all transfer, delegation and acting positions”, issued last May, saying it is expected that the Council of Ministers will revoke this decision within this week.

Governmental sources, told a local Arabic daily the aforementioned ‘stopping appointments’ decision continued for 5 months, and this is not the first time that such a decision was implemented, as the decision is almost repeated after every government resignation, which opens the door to question the effects of this suspension, both from the negative and positive points of view.

According to specialists, the decision to “stop appointments”, and stop all transfer, delegation and acting capacity”, which the government used to take with every resignation, or during the period when parliamentary elections are held, has two aspects.

The first is that it is a proactive step to ensure the integrity of procedures concerning appointments, transfer decisions, and internal delegations, in order to avoid being affected by any electoral pressures or falling under the interests.

Observers believe that over a year, specifically since November 2021, the decision was issued twice, the first of which extended its effects from November 2021 to January 2022, and the second of last May until now, which raises the question such as ‘Are there other solutions that guarantee the safety of the conduct of such procedures without stopping it’?

In this context, Professor of Public Administration at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at the university, Dr. Hamed Al-Fraih said the decision is “a discretionary authority of the Council of Ministers, and a proactive tool that it exercises through the Civil Service Council, to prevent any deviation or misuse of power, especially if the resignation of the government coincides with the holding of parliamentary elections that may be accompanied by pressures to transfer and place positions, among others.”

Al-Fraih said that the decision “is a good diligence, but we can ask about the extent to which the necessary oversight is achieved over such government measures in assigning positions later, that is, for the period in which the National Assembly begins its oversight work,” noting that “some experiences revealed deputies pressing towards appointments and the placement of positions, leads to the imposition of pressure on the ministers, and some of them succumb to it.”

For his part, the Secretary of the Labor Union, Nasser Al-Azmi, denounced the repeated issuance of the decision to “stop transfer and assignment” with each resignation of the government, calling for the provision of a specific mechanism and controls to fill supervisory and leadership positions, so that they are given to the deserving employee.

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