Indian Muslim Association Kuwait in coordination with Masjid Al Kabir hosts Family Iftar Gathering on 12th April 2023. The event was jointly conducted by IMA English Unit in coordination with Salmiya Unit, Tamil Nadu Muslim Association and Karnataka Muslim Welfare Association. Despite bad weather conditions many families turned up to join this joyous gathering.

Main speaker of the day, Mr. Sharafuddin B.S. spoke on the topic “Importance of Last 10 days and commitment after Ramadan”, he said Ramadan is a month of training where you learn self-restraint and many other Islamic values which Allah wants us to continue throughout the remaining year. He also stressed the importance of last 10 days and advised people to spend wisely by offering night prayers to seek Laylathul Qadr.

This Family Iftar Gathering was sponsored by Kuwait Finance House under the campaign called “Increase Good Deeds in Ramadan”. IMA Kuwait is thankful to Masjid Al Kabir authorities for their unconditional support and to Kuwait Finance House for their sponsorship. Kuwait Television channel commonly known as KTV-2 did the news coverage of the event. It can be watched on the KTV-2 coverage from below link

IMA Kuwait president Mr. Shamvil Parvez, Vice President Mr. Umar Falahi and Mr. Moayyad Al Shaban from Masjid Al Kabir graced the occasion. The event started with the recitation of verses from holy Quran by Huda Jameel, a student in IMA Online Weekend Islamic School and convened by Br Abdul Mateen.

IMA established the English Unit to fulfill the needs of the English speaking Indian community in Kuwait. The English unit organizes monthly Quran and Hadith study circles apart from occasional mega public events. To join English Unit you may contact IMA PR number at 60001424 through WhatsApp.

IMA –Kuwait, It is an Indian socio-religious organization in Kuwait which carries out its various activities under the patronage of “Ministry of Awqaaf” & “Islamic Affairs”, Kuwait and Indian Embassy. IMA always focusses to provide platform for enhancement of expatriates living in Kuwait for their spiritual & social aspect through various programs & webinars. It looks forward for organizing various beneficial programs in future, considering the occasions and requirements of expatriates in general and specifically Indian community.

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