International Institute of Computers Science and Administration (ICSA) marked its 18th foundation day with a celebration, and a food festival contest on 22 February.

Thirty-four entrees competed for major prizes and entrees included appetizers, main and dessert categories, which were displayed on the table for judges to taste and give their scores.

Twelve winners emerged from the competition with four major prizes per each category. Judges included ICSA CEO President Amir Farouq Mohammed, Manager Aisha Amir, Academic Admin Manager Jennifer Reyes, IT Specialists EJ Orano and Ali Arshad and English Communication Trainer Ricky Laxa.

“I am very impressed with the outcome this year of this competition and the turnout of entrees tripled than that of last year and it’s becoming more and more difficult to judge the competition due to variety of flavors, tastes and presentations,” commented Reyes.

Immediately after the competition, the food was shared with everyone who attended and graced the occasion. The highlights of the celebration included free blood pressure and rvs checkups, free CV development, free laptop check, and a photo booth.

International Labour Organization (ILO) delegates and important personalities also graced the occasion.  Raffle draws were held where several prizes were given away to winners.


Ricky Laxa
Staff Writer

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