The Kuwait International Airport T1 has once again become the talk of the town because over the past two days travelers saw noticeable negligence of the facilities, especially escalators, toilets, corridors, etc., which contradicts the policy of open skies and the country’s plan for developmental transformation and revitalization of tourism.

In an indication of the aggravation of the hygiene crisis at according to the Al-Qabas daily daily the complaints from citizens continue to increase as a result of neglect in the area of cleanliness, due to the noticeable shortage in the number of cleaning workers and the lack of supplies required for cleaning and other issues, which calls for urgent action by the concerned state authorities to address this defect.

The comparison between Kuwait International Airport and the airports of neighboring Gulf countries is always not in our favor, pointing out that the momentum of travel and the multiplying numbers of arrivals and departures require a comprehensive plan for cleanliness in the first place and treatment of all manifestations of neglect and chaos, and said, it appears as if the Kuwait Airport is ‘in a moaning period due to neglect’ and none of the officials move to bring about the desired cultural shift and the desired development at this important stage, reports the daily.

In addition, informed sources revealed told the daily that the new details behind the non-renewal of the cleaning contract, indicated that the contract went through the procedures and stages followed in the Ministry of Finance, the Central Tenders Committee, the Fatwa and Legislation Department and then the Audit Bureau, which in turn sent some essential inquiries to the financial department of the Directorate-General of Civil Aviation and the latter, in turn, sent these inquiries to the Operations Department, which is the authority concerned with monitoring the terms and details of the contract, but it has yet to receive a response which resulted in the stalemate and has not been renewed for 8 months.

The sources ask ‘For whom does Kuwait International Airport work, which is the first interface for the country without a cleaning contract since June 2022? And who is responsible for this imbalance that made T1 airport the subject of continuous criticism and complaints by citizens and visitors to Kuwait’?

The sources pointed out that the percentage of workers at the airport currently does not cover 40% of the needs of buildings, corridors and vital facilities inside the country’s airport, adding that the required need amounts to about a thousand workers to cover all these facilities.

The sources pointed out that the huge shortage of cleaners currently remains without justifications or clear reasons that are understood and known, wondering about the reason for renewing tender contracts, noting that the absence of planning delays the development of services and exacerbates crises in the state authorities in general and Kuwait International Airport in particular, stressing the necessity of adhering to the open skies policy that was announced more than once, and benefiting from the experiences of neighboring countries.

During the Al-Qabas tour, travelers complained about the lack of cleaning workers, pointing out that some aspects of uncivilized and neglect are not appropriate for the air port, especially with regard to the poor cleanliness of toilets and some corridors of the air facility at T1 airport.

Passengers described the situation at Kuwait International Airport as below par, in light of the boom in cleaning, handling and other services that airports of neighboring countries are witnessing.

The Kuwait International Airport in its current situation sets a bad example of the decline in the level of many services, especially since some airport facilities have become deplorable, in the absence of renovation and development, explaining that DGCA could have exploited the closing period during the “Corona” pandemic to opt for modernizations, particularly in the main terminal T1.

The reasons for the deterioration of hygiene services

— Non-renewal of tender contracts

— Lack of planning for the development of services

— Delaying dues of operating companies

— Non-compliance with the contracts concluded

Actions required to remedy the situation

— Develop plans to develop services

— Commitment to the Open Skies Policy

— Renewal of cleaning companies contracts

–Benefit from the experiences of neighboring countries

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