Doctors, technicians and administrative staff are allowed to go on a 14-day special official leave, under a decision announced by the undersecretary of the ministry last July. However, under the current circumstances, many technical, medical and administrative staff are reluctant to take advantage as they have limited leave days and some of them don’t want to waste their extra leave days, especially when they will be subject to quarantine upon their return due to the prevailing coronavirus epidemic, reports Al-Anba daily.

The daily said, quoting informed sources, the ministry of health does not mind if the employee, while abroad, finds themselves unable to return due to circumstances on time. The employee can extend his leave by speaking with the head of his workplace, making a request for an extension from his own leave balance for a maximum of one month.

However, for those without leave balance, they will be forced to submit to the law related to unpaid leave. The daily said, quoting sources, the ministry may, at the present time, limit home quarantine for returning doctors to one week instead of two weeks so that they can restart their jobs at the ministry’s facilities at full capacity when all clinics and medical departments are opened.

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