Government spokesman Tariq Al-Muzrim announced that the Council of Ministers will end the partial curfew on the first day of Eid Al-Fitr, Al Rai daily reported. Under the recently approved decisions, all commercial activities are to close from 8pm until 5 am, starting from the first day of Eid, with the exception of restaurants, cafes, maintenance service shops, pharmacies, supermarkets, parallel markets, and medical supply stores.

Cinemas and theaters will be open only to those who are vaccinated, and restaurants and cafes to provide service but not allowing dining in from the first day of Eid Al-Fitr. They are required to commit to health regulations of the Ministry of Health (MoH) in this regard. This decision will be reviewed after a periodic evaluation of the health situation in the country.

The council set the percentage of workers in the private and public sectors at 60 percent, and each government agency shall determine the appropriate percentage in a way that does not exceed these limits in the public interest and to maintain acceptable work conditions, starting from Monday, May 17.

The decision indicated that if there is a need for an increase, coordination can be done with the Civil Service Bureau.
The Cabinet decided to halt direct commercial flights, with the exception of cargo flights, from the countries of Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka until further notice.

Expats from these countries are not permitted entry, whether coming directly or through other countries, unless they have spent some time outside these countries for at least 14 days.

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