Minister of State for Municipal Affairs Shaye Al-Shaye during the meeting

Minister of State for Municipal Affairs, Minister of State for Housing Affairs and Development Shaye Al-Shaye declared on Monday that he conveyed appreciation from His Highness the Amir for the municipal personnel for their role in the fight against the novel coronavirus.

His Highness Amir’s message reflects his pride in the municipal personnel’s good efforts at this level, he said during a meeting of the municipality officials, including Director General Ahmad AlManfouhi. A statement issued after the meeting quoted Al-Shaye as expressing his deep confidence in the capacities of the national cadres for overhauling the work to speed up citizens’ transactions and tackle any irregularities or defaults. For his part, Al-Manfouhi noted that the workers earned His Highness the Amir praise due to their noticeable efforts and hard work. The specialized staff are working around the work to set up as many as possible online services.

Source- Kuna

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