Minister of Health Sheikh Dr. Basil Al-Sabah

Kuwait’s Health Minister Sheikh Dr. Basel Al-Sabah called on the public to take coronavirus-related preventive measures seriously to help stop the spread of the deadly virus.
In a virtual news conference following the cabinet’s extraordinary meeting Wednesday, the minister implored the public to cooperate with state bodies and show full commitment to relevant precautions to help save people’s lives and the country’s healthcare system.

The minister stressed the importance of wearing facemasks, abiding by social distancing rules, avoiding crowds, staying indoors, and sticking to hand hygiene. Non-compliance and recklessness could take the country back to square one in its fight against the pandemic, he cautioned.

Earlier, the cabinet announced a series of restrictions to prevent the spread of the coronavirus after a new rise in the number of infections and related hospitalizations.
The measures included the closure of all commercial facilities, except for pharmacies, medical and food supplying outlets, from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. every day and for one month starting from Sunday, February 7; a two-week ban on entry of non-Kuwaitis to the country as of February 7.

The cabinet ordered the full shutdown of all health clubs, resorts, beauty salons, and hairdressing centers and closure of all restaurant reception halls from 8:00 pm and 5:00, allowing home-delivery services during the closure time.
It also banned the opening of celebration halls and tents and gatherings even for national days celebrations.

All sports federations are asked to suspend all formal and friendly sports activities.
The cabinet imposed a one-week institutional quarantine on all arrivals at their expenses and another week quarantine at home, as of February 21 and for one month.


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