Scientists have concluded that the brains of fathers undergo major changes during the period before and after the birth of their children, and these changes are related to the process of visual processing, attention and affection towards children.

This came according to a study conducted in collaboration between a group of researchers at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles and the Gregorio Marañón Institute for Health Research in Madrid, Spain, reports a local Arabic daily.

Scientists said that the brains of new parents register a new imprint, or what is known as “experienced plasticity”, after they take care of an infant, a change similar to what happens when learning a new language or mastering a musical instrument.

Scientists used magnetic resonance imaging technology, which showed a lot of changes in women’s brains before and after pregnancy, and concluded that pregnancy can enhance maternal neuroplasticity.

For men, scientists found that changes in their brains did not appear in those who did not have children.

Overall, the researchers said, social, cultural and psychological factors may influence changes in the parental mind.

The researchers raised the question about whether the family policies adopted by governments and companies can influence these changes in the parental mind, especially with regard to the time that fathers are allowed to spend with their children.

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