The Governor of the Central Bank of Kuwait, Dr. Muhammad Yousef Al-Hashel in a farewell message to the Central Bank’s employees said they will continue to grow and prosper at the hands of “my brother,” the new governor, Basil Al-Haroun.

He thanked all the bank’s employees and said, “Thank you from the heart. This ancient entity, rich in the energies of its sons, rich in their knowledge, abilities and dedication, will, thanks to your efforts, continue to shine, and will continue to be in harmony with you, its distinction and giving.”

Al-Hashel went on to say, “How can a few words and blunt phrases in a limited message fulfill the right of a path that brought us together for nearly two decades, during which we faced together the challenge after challenge, and together we achieved success and worked closely with diligence and desire in performing our responsibilities as one team passionate about development and aspiration.

“we have always led to a better future for our institution and our country. By God’s grace, we have added a wealth of credit to the credibility and reputation of the Central Bank of Kuwait in Kuwait and abroad, and we have reaped wide acclaim from major international institutions until we received invitations to join the most prestigious of them, so we have the right to be proud of strong monetary stability and we are proud of solid financial stability,” he said.

He added, “Because we all strive and set our eyes to serve our dear country, and because it resides in our hearts, no matter what paths take us, I am sure that our quest for its good and its glory will remain a bond that unites us, and the bond and trust of deep-rooted brotherhood that has been narrated by nearly two decades of work is a large, harmonious and cohesive family.”

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