In pursuit of justice and equilibrium among various disciplines, the government is addressing salary disparities among employees in the state’s administrative apparatus.

The proposed measures seek to achieve balance and fairness based on sectoral distribution and specialization, rather than resorting to the previous “alternative” approach, reports Al-Rai daily.

The government is committed to offering practical and sustainable models that ensure stability across job categories. Recognizing the flaws in the current salary determination mechanism, the authorities are taking a technical approach to rectify the situation and promote fairness.

To achieve this, the government is conducting a thorough financial and technical analysis, working in collaboration with the Tripartite Global Consulting Group and in coordination with the “Oliver Wyman” company. The goal is to avoid burdening the state budget with additional deficits, given the existing financial challenges.

Preliminary estimates indicate that the previous “alternative” proposal would cost the state budget approximately one billion dinars, potentially exacerbating the deficit. Thus, it requires careful examination to achieve its objectives without adverse consequences.

It is acknowledged that any haphazard salary increase in the public sector could lead to further budgetary strain in subsequent years. To prevent an exodus of talent from the public sector to the private sector, and to maintain job stability, the labor market needs comprehensive restructuring.

Overall, the government is determined to find a balanced and just solution to address salary differences and enhance the overall efficiency and stability of the state’s administrative apparatus.

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