The total expenditures of government agencies to confront the Coronavirus crisis amounted to KD 796.6 million, of which KD5 54.5 million were pledges, and KD 242.1 million was drawn from the authorities’ budgets, said a representative source from the State Audit Bureau, Al Anba reported.

The source informed Al-Anba daily that the report referred to the National Assembly was according to the council’s mandate to examine and review all government agencies’ expenditures and procedures that utilized public funds including those allocated to confront the Coronavirus crisis.

The report stated that a number of agencies did not carry out any contracts or procurement operations to confront the crisis during the period from 1 March, 2020, which is the date of the start of the assignment to handle the coronavirus crisis, until 15 September, 2020.

The report stated that according to Cabinet Resolution No. 413 in its extraordinary meeting No. 16/2020 held on 16 March, 2020 to establish a temporary fund at the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to receive cash contributions to support the government’s efforts to handle the spread of the new Coronavirus, from 1 March, 2020 until 15 September, 2020, with a total value reaching KD44.2 million.

Some authorities have purchased and provided similar protective and other supplies, most notably: masks, gloves, and sterilization materials, at a value of KD 82.3 million. Some authorities have also purchased masks valued at KD 79.1 million, gloves valued at KD 1.2 million, and sterilizers valued at KD 2 million.

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