Countries around the world continue to battle the impacts of the novel coronavirus as governments on Saturday announced their latest updates regarding the deadly pandemic. In the Gulf Arab region, the United Arab Emirates said 532 more people contracted the virus, taking the total to 9,813 cases.

In its virus update briefing, the government’s spokesperson Amna Al-Shamsi said 127 people had recovered for a total of up to 1,887 until now. Seven people also fell victim to the virus with the death toll now up to 532 deaths, thus far.

Laboratory testing for the virus on nationals and residents have crossed the one million-mark barrier, she added. On the occasion of the month-long religious Ramadan festive season, the government has partially lifted some restrictions on transport but under strict health and safety guidelines, with gatherings of no more than five people allowed indoors. However, the ban on crowds at malls and shopping centres will continue.

In the wider Arab region, Syria said three more cases of the virus have taken the total there to up to 42 cases.A total of 11 recoveries were also reported with five more people having been cured since the country announced its first case of the virus on March 22, according to state news agency, SANA. Sudan’s Ministry of Health has registered 213 cases in total, so far, after reporting 39 additional cases on Saturday. Five more people were reported to have recovered for a total of 19.

On the other hand, some 17 people succumbed to the deadly virus. In Tunisia, health officials said the total number of infections increased to 939 cases, after confirming 17 new cases today. Health officials said the number of recoveries reached 209 patients. Health officials also noted that 19 patients are in intensive care unit. In Europe, France reported 369 fatalities over the past 24 hours taking the death toll resulting from the virus to 22,614.

Some 1,660 more people were reported to have contracted the virus as the total now stands at 161,488, according to Health Ministry figures. As for recoveries, some 1,101 have been cured as 28,222 receive medical care. Spain, the second-most affected country by the virus in the world, said it would be presenting a plan aimed at gradually allowing the general movement of individuals, after a curfew imposed amid the outbreak, if infection numbers go down. Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said that the strategy, which will be announced on Tuesday, will be put into place during May. The government will once again revise their strategy in June depending on the situation, he said.

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