By-Ricky Laxa
Staff Writer

Very few gyms often offer pre-registration evaluation to their clienteles, thus resulting to quick pivot to workouts and regimens without understanding their physical capacities, limitations and knowledge of their body types and the exercises plus diets that fit to achieve their ideal body forms. The lack of these pre workout evaluations and instructors’ no knowledge greatly affect the clients’ progress.

Ideally, pre workout fitness evaluation is essential includes analysis of body fat, mass and etc. are imperative, these information aid the client to know what needs to improve and trainers to recognize how to design their programs. It is disastrous however that instructors’ prescribe similar workouts to each one thus limiting the progress and worst waste time and money of their clients.

There are three common body types; Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph. BodyBuilding.Com defines these body types as follow. “An Ectomorph tends to be thin, and struggles to gain weight as either body fat or muscle. They can eat piles of food and stay looking the same, even when gaining muscular weight is their biggest goal. People who battle to gain muscle are often known as “hard gainers.” Ectomorphs tends to have a lean build, long limbs, and small muscle bellies. Even if an ectomorph manages to put on weight, they may still look skinnier than they are, particularly in the calves and forearms. Being an ectomorph doesn’t mean you’re doomed to be weak, though. You can still get remarkably strong, and you can be every bit as fit and healthy as someone who looks larger and more muscular. But if you want to gain weight, you’d better be prepared to eat like you’ve never eaten before.

The Mesomorph has a middle-of-the-road build that includes the best of both worlds. They tend to have wide shoulders, a narrow waist, relatively thin joints, and round muscle bellies. In short, if you’re a mesomorph, you have a natural tendency to be fit and relatively muscular. Does this mean you can do nothing, eat everything, and get away with it forever? Definitely not! You should still eat well and train according to your body type, but you may be able to “bounce back” from being out of shape more easily than the other two body types, gaining muscle and burning fat with comparative ease. An Endomorph tends to gain weight easily and struggle to lose it. Their build is a little wider than an ectomorph or mesomorph, with a thick ribcage, wide hips, and shorter limbs. They may have more muscle than either of the other body types, but they often struggle to gain it without significant amounts of accompanying body fat. If you ever feel like you gain 5 pounds simply walking past a donut shop, you may be an endomorph. This definitely doesn’t mean that an endomorph is somehow less healthy. They can actually have some strength-training advantages due to their additional muscle mass. But if and when they decide to lean out, it’ll take hard work!

With the information stated above you should be able to identify your body type and having the right knowledge of your body form you can go further by designing your own workout and diet to suit your body. “There is nothing impossible in achieving your ideal body type but with right knowledge and hard work, it is possible” stated Joseph Anthony, trainer @Future Body Gym.

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