Parliamentarian Badr Al-Mulla announced that the committee has completed its report that authorizes the Council of Ministers to issue a decision to outline regulations on the demographics within 6 months from the date of the law’s introduction, with the determination of the maximum limit in a way that maintains a quota for the employment of expats to the number of Kuwaitis and the relative quota of each nationality separately, Al-Rai reported.

He noted, “In the proposal that I submitted, the relative quota of each nationality was determined, but we authorized the Council of Ministers to determine the figure and also tasked them with determining the numbers brought in from abroad to meet the country’s needs, determining the qualifications and professions, setting up a testing mechanism and issuing annual periodic decisions regarding quotas.”

Al-Mulla emphasized that the excluded categories from the maximum labor limit brought in from abroad, are the citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), members of the judiciary, heads of political missions and their families, with the condition of reciprocity, military missions with which Kuwait has ongoing agreements, operators in civil aviation like pilots and co-pilots, labor involved in the implementation of infrastructure projects, domestic workers, spouses of Kuwaitis, their children, and professions related to medical, educational, and any other category for which a decision is issued by the Council of Ministers.”

Al-Mulla stated: “We urge the Council of Ministers to issue a decision to define the specializations, especially in light of the existence of surplus of marginal workers, stressing that the report obligated the Council of Ministers to name the required professions and correct the situation within 5 years, stressing that the file is necessary for fixing the demographic imbalance which is a popular demand and I addressed it by submitting a proposal for being introduced into law.”

He hoped that it would be debated on the Wednesday session and the law approved.

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