A handout picture provided by the Saudi Royal Palace on January 5, 2021, shows the leaders of the GCC countries. (AFP)

The recently concluded GCC 41st Summit for leaders has covered a wide spectrum of regional and international issues that were included in its final statement issued late Tuesday.

On Iran, the Supreme Council affirmed its consistent positions and decisions regarding relations with the Islamic Republic, stressing the need for Iran to adhere to the basic principles based on the Charter of the United Nations and the charters of international law, principles of good neighborliness, respect for the sovereignty of states, non-interference in internal affairs, and resolving disputes by peaceful means, not to use force or threaten to resort to force, and reject sectarianism.

The Supreme Council expressed its total rejection of the continuation of Iranian interference in the internal affairs of the GCC states and the region, its condemnation of all terrorist acts carried out by Iran, and fueling sectarian and sectional conflicts, stressing the need to desist and refrain from supporting groups that fuel these conflicts, and stop supporting, financing and arming militias and terrorist organizations, in clear violation of international norms and values and threatening regional and international security.

The Supreme Council expressed its condemnation of Iran’s continued failure to fulfill its
obligations to the International Atomic Energy Agency, stopping the implementation of its
obligations, and its delay in providing the required information about its nuclear program, and stressed the need to demand full cooperation and respect for the immunities and privileges of IAEA inspectors.

It also stressed the importance of a comprehensive international agreement that guarantees preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons in any way and its breaches of its nuclear obligations, and preventing all threats posed by Iran and exploiting the economic returns from the nuclear agreement to finance its hostile and terrorist activities in the region. It further welcomed the United States designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terrorist organization.

On Yemen, Council affirmed the GCC firm stances and decisions regarding the crisis in the Republic of Yemen and the need to reach a political solution to the crisis in accordance with the references represented by the Gulf initiative and its implementation mechanism, the outcomes of the comprehensive national dialogue conference, and the Security Council resolution No. 2216, expressing its support for the efforts of the Special Envoy of the Secretary General of the United Nations to reach a political solution to the crisis in Yemen according to these references.

The Council commended efforts made by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through its sponsorship of the Jeddah Dialogue to mend fences among the brothers in the Yemeni Republic, which culminated in the signing of Riyadh Agreement between the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council in the interest of the Yemeni people.

The Council hailed the efforts of the United Arab Emirates for the agreement’s success. The Council welcomed the legitimate Yemeni government’s step to begin its work from the provisional capital of Aden in implementation of Riyadh agreement in order to activate all state institutions in all liberated governorates to serve the Yemeni citizen. Yet it also condemned the attack that took place upon the arrival of the government at the airport, which resulted in a number of casualties and injuries on December 30, 2020. The Supreme Council affirmed that it will continue to support the development projects in the Republic of Yemen.

The Supreme Council hailed the achievements of King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) through its field branches in the Yemeni governorates as well as the humanitarian support provided by the GCC Relief and Humanitarian Aid Coordination Office (GAFC). The Supreme Council affirmed that the Iranian-backed Houthi militias’ terrorist hostilities and operations in targeting civilians and civil objects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia represent a violation of the international and humanitarian law. The Council added that the Houthi violations represent war crimes and a real threat to the regional and international security.

The council emphasizes the legitimate right of the Arab Coalition to take and implement the necessary measures to deal with these hostile and terrorist acts in accordance with the rules of the international and humanitarian law, asserting the need to prevent arms smuggling to Houthibacked militias from Iran that threaten freedom of maritime navigation and global trade in the Bab al-Mandab Strait and the Red Sea.

On Iraq, the Supreme Council affirmed consistent positions and decisions regarding the Arabic country, stressing the importance of preserving its integrity, territorial integrity, full sovereignty terrorist groups and armed militias and strengthening state sovereignty and law enforcement. It also welcomed the assignment of Mustafa Al-Kathemi as prime minister. It also renewed its support for Security Council Resolution No. 2107 (2013), which decided unanimously to refer the file of prisoners, missing persons, Kuwaiti property and the national archive to the United Nations Mission (UNAMI), to follow up on this file, and regretted that no progress was made in any of the outstanding issues. The aforementioned, and the Council calls on the Iraqi government and the United Nations to make every effort to find a solution to this humanitarian issue and other related issues, especially the completion of the demarcation of the maritime borders, beyond the 162nd mark.

On Jordan, the Council reiterated its commitment to strategic partnership with the Hashemite Kingdom. On Egypt, the Supreme Council affirmed support for the security and stability of the Arab Republic of Egypt, appreciating its efforts in strengthening Arab national security and peace in the region, combating extremism and terrorism, promoting development, prosperity, and advancement for the brotherly Egyptian people, and rejecting interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries. The Council expressed its support for the existing efforts to solve the Renaissance Dam’s issue and in a way that meets economic interests of the countries concerned, appreciating the international efforts made in this regard.

On Syria, the Council affirmed its firm positions and decisions regarding the Syrian crisis, a political solution based on the principles of (Geneva 1), and Security Council Resolution No. 2254, which provides for the formation of a transitional governing body to manage the affairs of the country, draft a new constitution for Syria, and prepare for elections to chart a future of the new Syria, fulfills the aspirations of the brotherly Syrian people.

The Supreme Council affirmed its stances by preserving the territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic, respecting its independence and sovereignty over its territory, and rejecting regional interferences in its internal affairs, and everything that affects Arab national security and threatens international peace and security. The Supreme Council hoped the Constitutional Committee in Syria would be enhancing to the efforts made to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis that would fulfill the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people, reiterating its support for the United Nations envoy to Syria. It also reaffirmed support for the efforts of the United Nations to work to return Syrian refugees and displaced persons to their cities and villages under the international supervision in accordance with the international standards, and to provide them with the support in the countries of asylum.


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