Only a moron fancies to be invincible
Forgets nothing is eternal
And then he

Makes a domain of fools
In true sense he is an Oaf
Who carries the burden of sin
And then he
Strives to ease the deeds
Ignoramus with his eccentricities

He grants to feed the poor
And then he
Conspires to fill his banks
Who with his pretentious ways
Adores the luxurious life

And then he
Sermons the less privileged with simplicity
Now he calls himself an ideal man
Philanthropist he projects himself to be

And then he
Enjoys the title the fountain of humanity
Virtuous he is now
Making his rules on classes

And then he
Enjoys the supremacy over masses
Mob frenzy preacher he boasts to be

An eye wash for the blind followers
And then he
Builds an empire with a golden throne
Avarice, malice and insanity

Are the traits he has mastered
And then he
Professes to be righteous
Now this dolt with his wisdom

Is enjoined to wrap up entrust
And now he
Leaves all with empty hands

This easy route of life
Full of pleasures and fancies
And now he
Bids farewell to this short trip called life
With heavy Conscience

He takes the load of guilt
And now he
Departs with nothing but his soul


By Shehnaz Gujral
Special to The Times Kuwait

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