By Mohamed Ramadan
Economic writer and researcher 

The government is of the opinion that forcing senior officials to leave or declaring null and void their appointments citing faulty procedures or in case if the new appointee is found unqualified is beneficial for the state and will cause more good than harm to the state, economic writer and researcher Mohammed Ramadan wrote in Arabic daily.

Undoubtedly, some criticisms will begin to fly in the air or the situation may be temporarily chaotic, but in fact, with the continuation of this approach, “we are living in a transitional phase that begins with chaos and ends with a radical change in the basis for selecting officials and senior officials so that there is a clear message to everyone that even if you use social relations, connections, nepotism and all possible means of pressure to obtain the position, you will not continue in that position and you will come out of it embarrassed, not only you but those who appointed you,” wrote for Al-Qabas daily.

Canceling the appointment of new officials and leaders or forcing them to resign is a good and effective tool to combat nepotism and government corruption, especially if it is accompanied by greater government interaction with the Audit Bureau reports, so that it quickly removes those who are suspicious or many question marks in the Audit Bureau reports or oversight reports.

The advantage of canceling the appointment of senior officials in the government is that it is administratively easy and not financially costly, given the absence of punitive conditions or financial fines, such as canceling agreements and deals between the government and the private sector, as happened with the Dow Chemical deal or what may happen in local tenders that may result in canceling it; delay in the implementation of projects and fines or large costs if not carried out accurately and carefully by senior officials.

The biggest challenge is how to choose the new leaders or who will want to assume an important government position without sufficient conditions that guarantee him stability in the position, especially if the person is suitable or one of the most suitable for him. But the important thing in all of this is that after the end of this transitional period, the issue of canceling appointments will certainly decrease and selection will improve, especially if it is far from connections and favoritism.

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