In a judicial precedent, the General Assembly of the High Court, headed by Counselor Abdullatif Al-Thunayan, agreed yesterday that 7 Kuwaiti female judges will head the misdemeanour departments of criminal cases, out of 14 female judges in the court, Arabic daily Al Rai reported.

The decision stipulates the appointment of female judges to pass judgments on their own in ordinary misdemeanors and misdemeanors of commerce and traffic. They also have the right to issue criminal sentences of imprisonment for a period not exceeding 3 years and fines.

Yesterday, the General Assembly of the Supreme Court held its meeting headed by Counselor Al-Thunayan to distribute the work of its judicial departments during the new judicial season 2021-2022, which begins on October 3 and ends on June 30, 2022.

The seven judges are: Fatima Al-Kandari, Sanabel Al-Houti, Fatimah Sagheer, Basheer Muhammad, Bashayer Al-Raqdan, Roaa Al-Tabtabai, and Lulwa Al-Ghanim. In addition to them are 7 female judges in the court circuits: Sharifa Al-Mubarak, Israa Selim, Lulwa Al-Amhouj, Fatima Al-Farhan, Anwar Al Bin Ali, Hilal Al-Duraei, and Farah Al-Ajeel.

The 7 Chief Justices

1 – Bashayer Raqdan – Presidency of a common misdemeanour

2 – Basheer Muhammad – Presidency for ordinary misdemeanors

3 – Sanabel Al-Houti – Presidency of ordinary misdemeanors

4 – Fatima Al-Kandari – Presidency of misdemeanors of commerce

5 – Fatima Saghir – Presidency of the Ahmadi misdemeanour

6 – Lulwa Al-Ghanim – Presidency of a traffic misdemeanor

7 – Roaa Al-Tabtabai – Presiding over an ordinary misdemeanour

The 7 female judges in the circuits

1 – Sharifa Al-Mubarak (commercial departments in full and partial appeal)

2 – Israa Selim (complete civil, total commercial, total civil commercial and capital markets departments)

3 – Lulwa Al-Amouj (commercial departments, civil, total, commercial, bankruptcy of debtors and partial appeal)

4 – Fatima Al-Farhan (commercial departments of total civil, total civil and total commercial)

5 – Anwar Al Bin Ali (commercial departments, civil, full and partial performance orders and urgent appeal of the capital)

6 – Helal Al-Duraei (complete civil departments, appealed misdemeanors, capital markets, partial and urgent appeal).

7 – Farah Al-Ajeel (Civil and Commercial Departments, Misdemeanors and Municipal Violations)

The resolutions stipulated the following:

  • Judge Bashayer Saleh Al-Raqdan presided over the 16 misdemeanours and criminal orders on Wednesday, while the 32nd commercial district on Tuesday, the capital’s partial civil commercial districts, the government of 17, and the full and partial performance orders on Thursday.
  • Judge Bashair Abdul-Jalil Muhammad presided over the 8 misdemeanors and penal orders department on Wednesday, and the Hawally Partial and Urgent Appeals Department 3 on Tuesday, and the total civil commercial department and the government 5 on Thursday.
  • Judge Sanabel Bader Al-Houti presided over the 26 misdemeanours and criminal orders department on Sunday, and she will handle the total commercial department 38 on Monday, and the capital rent department on Tuesday.
  • Judge Fatima Faisal Al-Kandari presided over the Department of Commercial Misdemeanors 4 and Criminal Orders on Sunday, and the Capital Urgent Appeals Chamber 1 on Monday, and the Total Civilian Chamber 4 on Wednesday.
  • Judge Fatima Abdel-Moneim Saghir presided over the Ahmadi Misdemeanors Department 6 and penal orders on Sunday, and the Ahmadi Rental Department 7 on Monday, and the Kli Commercial Department 22 on Tuesday.
  • Judge Lulwa Ibrahim Al-Ghanim presided over the Hawally Traffic Misdemeanors Department 2 and penal orders on Monday, and the Capital Partial Appeals Department 5 on Wednesday, and the total civil commercial department and government 10 on Thursday.
  • Judge Rua’a Essam Al-Tabtabai presided over the 23 misdemeanors and penal orders department on Tuesday, the Capital Partial Appeals Chamber 1 on Sunday, and the Hawally Rent Department 2 on Monday.
  • Judge Sharifa Abdulaziz Al-Mubarak will take charge of the Commercial District 25 on Sunday, the Capital Partial Appeals Chamber 3 on Tuesday, and the Total Commercial District 33 on Wednesday.
  • Judge Israa Faisal Salim will handle the Kli 16 Civil Circuit on Sunday, the Kli 6 Commercial Department on Monday, the Kli Civil Commerce Department, the Government 6 and the Capital Markets on Tuesday.
  • Judge Lulwa Khaled Al-Amouj will handle the total civil commercial department and the government of 18 on Tuesday, and the total commercial 14 and bankruptcy of debtors 1 and 2 on Wednesday, and the partial resumption of the capital 4 on Thursday.
  • Judge Fatima Yaqoub Al-Farhan will handle the total civil commercial department and the government 3 on Tuesday, the total civil department 19 on Wednesday, and the total commercial department 47 on Thursday.
  • Judge Anwar Ahmed Al Bin Ali will handle the Total Civil Commercial Chamber and Government 21 on Sunday, the Total and Partial Performance Orders Department on Monday, and the Capital Urgent Appeal Chamber 2 on Tuesday.
  • Judge Helal Walid Khaled Al-Durai’i will take over the total civil department 8 on Tuesday, appealed misdemeanors 2 and the capital markets on Wednesday, and a partial and urgent appeal Hawally 2 on Thursday.
  • Judge Farah Al-Ajeel takes charge of the civil and governmental commercial departments 1 on Sunday, and total civil 18 on Monday, and municipal misdemeanors and violations 3 on Tuesday.

The General Assembly issued several resolutions, including:

Counselor Youssef Lahdan Al-Lahdan was delegated to head the Disciplinary Council for Lawyers, and he delegated to membership (in the original capacity) Mr. Abdullah Nasser Al-Osaimi (the court’s attorney), and Mr. Faisal Rashid Al-Harbi (the court’s representative), and judge Khaled Abdulaziz Al-Rifai was delegated as a backup, in addition to their original work.

– Authorizing the head of the court to take what is legally necessary towards establishing and forming a tripartite circuit or more (morning or evening) to look into crimes that violate municipal regulations, pursuant to the municipal law, whenever the need arises.

– Counsellor Muhammad Talabeh Shaaban was delegated as a member of the Judicial Guard Registration Committee at the High Court.

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