Are you tired and not sure about how much fat and sodium you are consuming every day? Maybe, you don’t know what are the fat burning foods that help in slimming your waistline, right? Are you aware that your body needs more energy to digest proteins than carbohydrates and fat? Yes. The more protein you eat, the more calories your body burns.  Here are some foods to help in slimming your waist.

Beans: Beans can cause flatulence, but they are excellent sources of proteins, fiber and iron. White beans, red beans, kidney beans can be included in your meal as side dishes, or as main meals or even sprinkled on salads. But be careful of the way you cook it. Only boil it, or steam beans. Fried beans are loaded in fat while canned beans are full of sodium, neither which you need in your diet.

1 cup of cooked beans: 80 calories, 0.8 g of fat, 52 mg of sodium

Edamame: This is an organic soy bean found in Japanese restaurants. These are good for your diet, and are rich in protein. You can prepare it at home. Simply buy it, boil it and add some spices. The finished dish is quite tasty, with only 2 mg of sodium. However, you shouldn’t have it with the mayo sauce.

Low fat dairy products: In one study, it has been proven that women who ate low- fat dairy products (cheese, yogurt, and milk) lost 60 percent more fat than people who didn’t include it in the diet. A warning, don’t overdo it. Watch your total daily calorie intake. Extra calories are converted to fat.

Eggs: Although eggs contain cholesterol, they are super high in proteins and will help you in burning the unwanted belly fat. Dietary fat and especially the bad fat are the real enemies of cholesterol, 10 times more than eggs.

Eggs are not harmful for people with cholesterol, three eggs per week are fine, and the egg yolk has all the proteins and vitamins your body needs. If you are still worried about your cholesterol level, you can remove the yolk as it is high in fat and cholesterol.

1 egg has 75 calories, 5 g of fat, 47 mg of sodium

PS: I didn’t mention the sodium content of dairy products and lean proteins; because it depends on which type of foods you will eat (like the types of cheese and fish). So the best thing you can do is to check the nutritional information on the label, and the serving size.

Lean proteins: Lean meat, chicken and fish have the ability to reduce belly fat.

As I told you before, it takes more energy to digest proteins, so your body is working hard. Stay away from salmon, or limit it once a week. Although it is rich in omega 3, it is high in sodium which causes water retention.

Lean proteins can best be served with steamed vegetables, boiled beans instead of rice for maximum benefits.

Grapefruit: One grapefruit a day can speed up weight loss. The fruit is high in water and vitamin C, and has been known to aid in proper digestion by creating an alkaline condition in the intestines.  Moreover, grapefruit has the effect of suppressing your appetite, which helps you to slim down by making you feel fuller longer and reducing your interest in eating.

1 grapefruit: 110 calories, 0.3 g of fat, 0 mg of sodium

Asparagus: I mentioned in another post that asparagus has the ability to prevent cellulite. This is because asparagus is high in water and cleans the system. It will also help you to get a flat stomach.

4 asparagus: 27 calories, 0.2 g of fat, 1g of sodium

Canned asparagus is high in sodium, so if you want to have it, you need to wash it many times with water. The amount of sodium is listed as ‘Sodium’ or ‘Na’.

The daily sodium intake: 1200 to 2500 mg (for someone who doesn’t have medical problems).

Other tips for a slim waist is to drink warm lemon water in the morning to clean your system and flush toxins out of the body. Two glasses of water before each meal is a must.

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