The head of the Kuwaiti Federation of Fishermen, Dhaher Al-Soyyan, confirmed that the lack of local fish in the markets is due to factors beyond the control of fishermen and those with fishing licenses, Al-Anbaa reported. He noted that despite officials’ assurances of support for the local product, it remained difficult for those working in the fishing profession to operate.

Al-Soyyan added that the fishing sector is facing a number of difficulties, including the closure of recruitment for fishing workers, which has led to a shortage of skilled labor. He also said that the government has not been receptive to the fishermen’s requests to meet with officials to discuss these challenges. He said that the fishermen are not asking for the impossible, but only for the minimum of their rights, which is to be heard and to have their concerns addressed.

Moreover, he pointed out that the lack of mead fish in the markets is due to a number of factors, including the limited areas where fishing is permitted and the scarcity of mead in those areas. He called on the government to re-examine the situation and to listen to the fishermen’s concerns. He also repeated his appeal to the Ministry of Interior to open the recruitment of fishing laborers, as the closure is leading to a shortage of labor and could eventually lead to the cessation of fishing altogether. Al-Soyyan stressed the importance of ensuring the presence of the local product, as it is the cornerstone of price stability. He noted that the Zubaidi fishing season is about to open in mid-July, and the shrimp fishing season in economic waters is scheduled to open on 1 August.

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